35 34 saas driver 500mA saas driver 500mA 41 280 46 Sähkönumerot 79 809 59 E-Nummer Product numbers 1000 0546 saas move saas move 40 190 03 Sähkönumerot 79 809 41 E-Nummer Product numbers 1000 0656 1 2 3 4 saas driver saas driver 40 190 02 Sähkönumerot 79 813 89 E-Nummer Product numbers 1000 0547 saas driver one led saas driver one led 41 281 18 Sähkönumerot 74 513 84 E-Nummer Product numbers 1000 0543 55 22 55 350mA IP20 4-8 LED (3W) DIM 60 22 35 350mA IP20 1 LED (3W) DIM 60 22 35 500mA IP20 1 LED (6W) DIM 85 25 35 350mA IP66 1-8 LED (3W) 12/24V 350mA DRIVERS saas dim / maxi dim / dim R SEC + - PRI L N PUSH L 1..10V + - SYNC +- +- OUT IN - - SW DIM LED 230V SEC + - PRI L N PUSH L 1..10V + - SYNC +- +- OUT IN - - LED 230V 1-10V DIM OFF ON DIM DIM OFF ON DIM DIM SW DIM 1-10V DIM CLICK < 1 SEC. CLICK > 1 SEC. CLICK > 1 SEC. CLICK < 1 SEC. -CLICK- -CLICKSIGNAL < 1V OFF SEC + - PRI L N PUSH L 1..10V + - SYNC +- +- OUT IN - - TRIAC LED 230V LED 3W 350mA saas dim saas maxi dim saas driver saas dim R saas driver 500mA saas driver one led saas dim bluetooth saas maxi dim bluetooth saas dim TRIAC saas move LED 6W DIM * Asetettava DIP-kytkin 500mA arvoon * Ställ in DIP-omkopplaren till 500mA * Set the DIP-switch to 500mA ** Asetettava DIP-kytkin 900mA arvoon ** Ställ in DIP-omkopplaren till 900mA ** Set the DIP-switch to 900mA LED 3W 900mA * * * * * ** ** ** **